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To the 30 million homemakers! Hua-huo troupe lights up the night sky of xiamen.

date:2019-08-06 publisher: This web site Views:692
In the city, there are such lovely people.

They are good at domestic service practitioners, is to be able to make the dirty and messy home clean and tidy "magic elf", they are cleaning division, fine cleaning division, receive division, childcare division... They work hard to make our home more beautiful.

8.6 international housekeeping staff day

In order to show respect to homemakers, let them gain more respect and recognition, and arouse the attention of the society to the working group.

At 20:00 on August 6, the eighth international homemaking staff festival will be held in xiamen, jimei and xinglinwan.

1| home economics origin|
Origin of festival

Because of a simple reason: to meet the needs of domestic workers' children to go out for a day with their mothers in summer vacation, hao kang created the 86 domestic workers' day in 2012, inviting domestic workers throughout the city to take their children out for a day. In the past eight years, from one city to 31 cities, the number of participants has increased from 100 to more than 20,000. From home to abroad, the 86 homemaking staff festival has changed from an enterprise festival to a festival for all homemaking practitioners.

2| large panoramic lighting fireworks show |

Lighting and fireworks show

At last year's international homemaking festival, a fleet of 1,589 drones performed in tribute to homemakers in the sky.

On the international homemaking staff festival of 2019.86, hunan huafuo troupe joined hands with hao kang to create a large lighting and fireworks show in jimei xinglin bay, xiamen, to pay tribute to the country's 30 million homemakers with brilliant fireworks on the beautiful jimei lake.

Highlights: with 5 tall buildings, water surface, bridge body and park building cluster as the carrier, the all-round, multi-angle, full-covered CNC fireworks technology brings the audience an immersive viewing experience.

Pyrotechnic design

3|'s stunning fireworks show hits |

According to the unique cultural connotation of the festival, the large-scale panoramic fireworks show is divided into four parts: "happiness", "progress", "moved" and "me and my motherland".

Happy 01

02 progress

03 moved

Me and my country

Pay tribute to every lovely housekeeper, and thank you to every hard-working behind-the-scenes staff!

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