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UNESCO Belt and Road Forum for Youth Creativity and Heritage

date:2020-04-30 publisher: 原創 Views:464

On April 17, 2017, a fireworks show with the theme of "Maritime Silk Road" was staged at Orange Island. A beautiful love poem written to the sky lights up the star city and astounds the time. Nearly one hundred youth representatives from 65 countries along the “Belt and Road” took a cruise to enjoy the orange fireworks and enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river.

于都县| 宿州市| 济宁市| 普宁市| 杭锦后旗| 庐江县| 上饶市| 林口县| 和田市| 陵水| 合江县| 宝鸡市| 兴国县| 台南市| 荥阳市| 尚义县| 昌乐县| 正安县| 武川县| 泗水县| 德保县| 兴文县| 扶风县| 博乐市| 麻栗坡县| 邯郸市| 宝清县| 阿城市| 喀喇沁旗| 依安县| 伊通| 米易县| 金湖县| 云林县| 江安县| 应城市| 鞍山市| 荃湾区| 平远县| 台州市| 和硕县|