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Beijing APEC Summit

date:2020-04-30 publisher: 原創 Views:1893

The fireworks display area traverses the Olympic Park, with the bird's nest as the center and extending a total of 2.6 kilometers to the north and south sides. In order to let the information lampposts in the Olympic Park bloom into beautiful flowers, the fireworks troupe is on the smooth lampposts. Developed a special firework installation for lamppost installation, solved how to install fireworks on the lamppost, how to adjust the angle of each bouquet, and produce different shapes of flowers in four seasons. It also designs and manufactures innovative pyrotechnic powder that integrates micro-smoke propellant and sulfur-free explosives, which greatly reduces the smoke and improves the environmental standards for fireworks.

三河市| 屏东市| 景东| 望江县| 疏附县| 桑植县| 乡宁县| 成安县| 沙雅县| 大冶市| 乾安县| 澄江县| 临沂市| 张家港市| 诸城市| 汝城县| 潜山县| 台北市| 广饶县| 都兰县| 林甸县| 泾源县| 维西| 晋城| 当阳市| 丰原市| 五峰| 拉萨市| 任丘市| 安新县| 肥东县| 南康市| 云和县| 平阳县| 固阳县| 枣强县| 屏山县| 芦溪县| 平顺县| 博白县| 龙井市|